Farmed Shorputi (চাষের সরপুঁটি)

Availability: Out of Stock


– Price is given as per Kg.
– Free fish processing
– Call our Hotline for any information about the order: 014 0000 6628

Fish Synopsis

Scientific Name: Systomus sarana (Hamilton, 1822)
English Name: Olive barb
Bengali Name: Shorputi
Availability: It occurs in rivers, canals, beels, ponds and inundated fields throughout Bangladesh.


– Price is given as per Kg.
– Free fish processing
– Call our Hotline for any information about the order: 014 0000 6628

Fish Synopsis

Scientific Name: Systomus sarana (Hamilton, 1822)
English Name: Olive barb
Bengali Name: Shorputi
Availability: It occurs in rivers, canals, beels, ponds and inundated fields throughout Bangladesh.

Habitat and Ecology: S. sarana inhabits in standing and running water in rivers, canals, beels, ponds and inundated fields of Bangladesh (Rahman 1989). It is omnivorous in nature, usually feeds on plants, insects, molluscs, worms, detritus and plankton. This fish attains the sexual maturity in the first year of its life and prefers shallow water of floodplain for the breeding (Chakraborty et al. 2006).

Justification: Systomus sarana is widely distributed in inland waters of Bangladesh. There is no wide spread threat across its habitat range. Extent of Occurrence (2,17,467.88 km2) and Area of Occupancy (11,128.35 km2) are higher than any upper threshold values of IUCN threatened category. However, the taxon was considered as Critically Endangered (IUCN 2000) but recent studies (Ahmed 2008, Hossain et al. 2009a, Hossain et al. 2009b, Galib et al. 2013, Hossain et al. 2014, Jahan 2014, Kabir et al. 2015) showed the reliable abundance of the species, although the populations are declining due to over-exploitation, pollution, environmental degradation, disease and lack of proper management. Therefore, Systomus sarana is currently assessed and placed under the category Near Threatened (NT).

[Source: Red List of Bangladesh, Volume 5: Freshwater Fishes]


Whole :, Ready to Cook :


0.705kg, 0.734kg, 0.878kg, 0.942kg, 1.112kg, 0.838kg, 1.014kg, 1.018kg, 1.048kg

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