Deshi Boal Fish (দেশী বোয়াল মাছ)

৳  975.00৳  1,725.00

Availability: Out of Stock
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– Call our Hotline for any information about the order: 014 0000 6628

Fish Synopsis

Scientific Name: Wallago attu (Bloch & Schneider 1801)
English Name: Freshwater Shark
Bengali Name: Boal
Availability: Wallago attu is widely distributed in all aquatic habitat systems throughout the country (Rahman 2005, Ahmed 2008, Hossain et al. 2009, Bashar et al. 2009, Akhtaruzzaman and Alam 2012).


৳  975.00
  • Shape : Whole
  • Weight : 1.3kg
৳  1,725.00
  • Shape : Whole
  • Weight : 2.3kg


– Price is given as per Kg.
– Free fish processing
– Call our Hotline for any information about the order: 014 0000 6628

Fish Synopsis

Scientific Name: Wallago attu (Bloch & Schneider 1801)
English Name: Freshwater Shark
Bengali Name: Boal
Availability: Wallago attu is widely distributed in all aquatic habitat systems throughout the country (Rahman 2005, Ahmed 2008, Hossain et al. 2009, Bashar et al. 2009, Akhtaruzzaman and Alam 2012).

Habitat and Ecology: Wallago attu inhabits rivers, large and small, beels, reservoir, baors and enters the floodplains and roadside ditches. It is a voracious, carnivorous, well known predatory fish. Because of its large mouth size, it predates on large fishes, frogs and other aquatic animals. Juveniles feed on crustaceans, insects (Mohsin 2007). For breeding purposes, the fish enters into shallower waters (Pethiyagoda 1991).

Justification: Wallgo attu was enlisted in the IUCN Redlist for Bangladesh as an Endangered species (IUCN 2000) due to its highly declining population, caused by threats like siltation, overexploitation, aquatic pollution, etc.

[Source: Red List of Bangladesh, Volume 5: Freshwater Fishes]

Weight N/A

Whole, Ready To Cook


2.3kg, 1.3kg

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