Kaikka Fish (কাইক্যা মাছ)

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– Price is given as per Kg.
– Free fish processing
– Call our Hotline for any information about the order: 014 0000 6628

Fish Synopsis

Scientific Name: Xenentodon cancila (Hamilton, 1822)
English Name: Freshwater Garfish
Bengali Name: Kaikka
Availability: It lives in freshwater rivers, hoars, baors, beels, lakes and ponds and inter-tidal brackish water rivers and their tributaries all over Bangladesh (Bernacsek 2001, Rahman 2005, Islam 2007, Ahmed 2008, Azadi and Arshad-Ul-Alam 2013).


– Price is given as per Kg.
– Free fish processing
– Call our Hotline for any information about the order: 014 0000 6628

Fish Synopsis

Scientific Name: Xenentodon cancila (Hamilton, 1822)
English Name: Freshwater Garfish
Bengali Name: Kaikka
Availability: It lives in freshwater rivers, hoars, baors, beels, lakes and ponds and inter-tidal brackish water rivers and their tributaries all over Bangladesh (Bernacsek 2001, Rahman 2005, Islam 2007, Ahmed 2008, Azadi and Arshad-Ul-Alam 2013).

Habitat and Ecology: It is an obligate predator to predator, feeding on live small fishes, tadpoles, shrimps, crickets and other insects. In captive condition, it can be offered bloodworm and small earth worms (Islam 2007). Adult can be found in fast-flowing open waters, otherwise, tends to inhabit in littoral parts or slow-flowing pools in rivers with aquatic vegetations, rocky or sandy substrates. Also, found within the aquatic vegetations and debris in haors, baors, beels, ponds, canals and inundated flood plains during the annual monsoon (Ahmed 2008). Pelagic (Islam 2007) and middle littoral zones (Riede 2004) of both lentic and lotic freshwater ecosystems. Amphidromous between rivers and its tributaries as well as in all kinds of fresh and brackish water habitats in Bangladesh (Rahman 2005).

Justification: Xenentodon cancila is one of the commonest freshwater fish species in the country. Recent faunal survey indicates slight decline in population, but there is no concrete data to categorize it under any Threatened Category. Moreover, the Extent of Occurrence (2,17,467.88 km2) and Area of Occupancy (11,856.77 km2) surpass the threshold values of any Threatened Category. Therefore, this species is assessed as Least Concern.

[Source: Red List of Bangladesh, Volume 5: Freshwater Fishes]


Whole, Ready to Cook


0.5kg, 5kg

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